2025 Winter Apple Press
Looking Forward
Karen Brown, WSNA President School Nutrition professionals are always looking forward. We look forward to making breakfast for the kids we serve. We look forward to making fun meals for our kids at lunch. And we look forward to breaks, especially if it’s been a challenging year. Your WSNA Board is always looking forward too. We are looking are planning, and looking forward to Spring Workshop in Leavenworth. And we are already planning our Summer Conference in Spokane. The work that is put into these events is fun and important, and it is our pleasure to serve our members. Our goal is to make sure that you are getting the CEUs and networking that you want. And to have time to reconnect with friends you may only see once a year. At conference this summer, we want to showcase you! The level of talent that our members have is vast. If you have a topic that you are passionate about, and want to share it with your peers, contact us. We would love to talk to you. Speaking of the WSNA Board, we are always looking for people to run for positions, and to serve on committees. Everyone takes their individual path to the WSNA Board. Some people are on the Board multiple times, and others just once. My path started as the Education Chair. I then served as Secretary/ Treasurer for two terms, then an additional one-year term. I never had a desire to run for the WSNA President track, which is Vice President, President-Elect and then President. But two years ago, I knew it was necessary for me to step up and run for President-Elect. Serving on the Board has been one of the best and most rewarding jobs I have ever had. Planning speakers and classes; talking to you all at conferences and workshops; and following my core mission of servant leadership has made my service to you so much more meaningful. If you ever have questions about being on the Board, reach out to any of us...
Read the Full 2025 Winter Apple Press
Hello Members, We are working hard to plan a fun Fall Workshop, and we hope you will join in. This year the Fall Workshop will be virtual due to a short timeline. We understand that the members specifically voted down a virtual workshop at Delegate Assembly in 2023. We worked to plan an in-person Workshop last year and struggled to find speakers and locations. It used to be that we could easily plan an in person Fall Workshop beginning in late July (when the new Board comes in) and hold it in October. With staffing shortages and district’s reluctance to host a group of a few hundred people, that has all changed. I can assure you that we now have Fall Workshop planning on our spring board meeting agenda. We are committed to what the members want and always look forward to planning occasions where we can all get together to learn and network. Check out the article in this issue about Fall Workshop and start planning your group and brunch for a watch party! Karen Brown, SNS Learn more about the Fall Workshop Here!
Our MissionEngage, educate and empower School Nutrition professionals to advance accessibility, quality and integrity of school nutrition programs Our VisionEvery student has access to nutritious meals, to strengthen their health and well-being Learn MoreShare your good news!We want to build up our community by celebrating the accomplishments through out Washington State School Nutrition Programs! Please submit your content including:
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